HTC TOUCH 3G review – excellent value for money [Windows Mobile]

HTC TOUCH 3G review

The HTC has been working diligently on it’s Touch range and has been unveiling some of the very high quality Windows Mobile devices from quite some time. The HTC Touch 3G is a powerful elder brother to the original HTC TOUCH. The HTC TOUCH 3G combines speed and style in an affordable package. Read the full HTC Touch 3G review to find out!

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1GHz Marvell processor for mobile devices – This had to happen!

It is no doubt that Marvell processors have proved themselves as the best mobile processors so far. A couple of days back, when we compared the Marvell processors with the Qualcomm processors, the Qualcomm was outbeaten not closely, but by large numbers. The comparison was first done with the ASUS P552W, which comes with a Marvell 624Mhz processor and then with the ASUS P565, which comes with a Marvell 800Mhz processor.

marvell pxa168

Categorized as Technology

SBSH Pocket Breeze review

SBSH Pocket Breeze is one of the best selling application for Pocket PC devices. It is one of applications for Pocket PCs, which I consider as a must-have. This is generally the first application which I install on any new device or a fully hard-resetted Pocket PC. So, what is Pocket Breeze? It is a PIM (short for Personal Information Management) today-plugin, which displays your PIM data right on the today screen itself.

sbsh pocket breeze review
Categorized as Technology