I bought myself a TP-Link TL-MR100, a 4G LTE router which is great for using usual 4G LTE radio signals as a typical WiFi router. So why use a dedicated 4G router instead of simply using your phone as WiFi hotspot?
Well, for one, you won’t be draining your mobile phone’s battery. This is because your TP-Link TL-MR100 is connected directly to power source. Second, since there are no background applications running which could be possibly slowing down your data connection. Also, TP-Link TL-MR100 has features that are found in every single wireless LAN router.
TP-Link TL-MR100 has better range than WiFi hotspot, so you will be able to connect devices that are bit far off from the room where this router has been installed.
TP-Link TL-MR100 picked up my Vodafone 4G LTE SIM just fine. I did not have to configure anything, which was great.
To get started, fire up your favorite web browser and type in You will be asked to give it a new password. Then, a wizard will open and you would have to follow directions on the screen. And that is it, you can now start using the router. Feel free to change the router name and password to your liking. For instance, I changed the SSID name to GadgetMix.