Logitech makes a lot of mice and in fact, it is number one mouse manufacture in world. Logitech M337 is bluetooth mouse that I personally feel every single MacBook Air and Pro owner should get. Both of these new laptops by Apple lack full size USB ports which means unless you go the dongle-route, which you should not, you will not be able to use the usual wireless mouse that are already in market.
Apple’s own Bluetooth mouse works well with MacBook Air and Pro but I wanted to get something that I was already used to – you know, a scroll wheel and something with real left and right clicks. Apple Bluetooth mouse lacks both – there is no scroll wheel and there is no dedicated right click.
See, I know old time Apple MacBook Air/Pro users will feel at home with the official Apple Bluetooth mouse but for someone who also uses a windows and Linux laptops and desktops on daily basis, I like putting my money on a computer mouse that I am already use. Plus, I am already use to the left and right click thingy – you know, use the right click for bringing up context menu.
On a Mac, the right click on Logitech M337 works just like it does on windows and Linux. Logitech M337 is also compatible with Android and iOS so if you are planning to use Logitech M337 with either of those operating systems, you will be just fine. For instance, I own a Logitech Bluetooth keyboard, and for that Logitech M337 is a perfect companion.
In other words, if you have just bought a MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro, you have no option but to go for a Bluetooth mouse and if you don’t fancy spending $100 on a mouse or want dedicated left and right click buttons along with old school scroll wheel, Logitech M337 is your best bet.