Satoshi Nakamoto is gay

New HBO series about Satoshi Nakamoto all point to Peter Todd being the creator of bitcoin. Todd is gay

peter todd gay

This former bitcoin developer previously settled his lawsuit against Lovecruft, who uses non-binary pronouns. He/She said Peter Todd s*xually harassed and grabbed his/her arm. 

Lovecruft is a privacy-tech expert and settled this lawsuit with Peter in 2019. 

Unfortunately, Peter is again in the limelight. HBO just released a documentary called “Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery,” in which Peter Todd, a Bitcoin developer, is implicated as Satoshi Nakamoto. This caused a huge controversy on Polymarket, even though Todd was not a top contender before. 

Before the movie was released, 78.5% of Polymarket users believed that Satoshi’s identity would not be Todd. Todd has made significant contributions to Bitcoin, particularly in the areas of security and privacy, with projects like OpenTimestamps. 

After the video leaked, Todd denied being Satoshi and claimed that the film was based on baseless speculation. 

If Peter Todd is actually Satoshi, then our Bitcoin creator is gay. Huge surprise.